Monday, December 30, 2019

Racial Profiling and Police Brutality Against Hispanics

Police brutality is hardly just a black issue, as  Hispanics all over the country increasingly face police abuse, racial profiling, and  hate crimes. Often this misconduct stems from  xenophobia and rising concerns about undocumented immigrants. Across the nation, police departments have made headlines for their mistreatment of Latinos. These cases have not only involved undocumented immigrants but also Hispanic Americans and permanent legal residents. In states as varied as Connecticut, California, and Arizona, Latinos have suffered at the hands of police in egregious manners. Latinos Targeted in Maricopa County Racial profiling. Unlawful detainment. Stalking. These are some of the inappropriate and illegal behaviors that officers in Arizona have allegedly engaged in, according to a 2012 complaint the U.S. Justice Department filed against the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. MCSO deputies  stopped Latino drivers anywhere from four to nine times more than other drivers, in some cases  only to detain them for long periods. In one instance, deputies pulled over a car with four Latino men inside. The driver hadn’t violated any traffic laws, but the officers proceeded to force him and his passengers out of the car and make them wait on the curb, zip-tied, for an hour. The Justice Department also detailed incidents where the authorities  followed Hispanic women to their homes and roughed them up. The federal government alleges that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio routinely failed to investigate cases of sexual assault against Hispanic women. The aforementioned cases refer to police interaction with Latinos on the streets of Maricopa County, but inmates in the county jail have also suffered at the hands of law enforcement. Female prisoners have been denied feminine hygiene products  and called derogatory names. Hispanic male inmates have been on the receiving end of racial slurs and put-downs such as â€Å"wetbacks† and â€Å"stupid Mexicans.† Border Patrol Killings It’s not just local law enforcement agencies that have been accused of racially profiling Latinos and committing acts of police brutality against them, it’s also the U.S. Border Patrol. In April 2012, Latino advocacy group launched a petition to raise awareness about the Border Patrol’s fatal beating of Anastasio Hernà ¡ndez-Rojas, which took place two years earlier. The group launched the petition after a video of the beating surfaced in hopes of pressuring  the Justice Department to take action against the officers involved. â€Å"If justice isn’t served for Anastasio, even when the video clearly shows injustice, Border Patrol agents will continue their pattern of abuse and lethal force,† the Presente team said in a statement. Between 2010 to 2012, Border Patrol agents were involved in seven killings, according to the civil rights group. LAPD Officer Found Guilty of Profiling Hispanics In an unprecedented move in March 2012, the Los Angeles Police Department determined that one of its officers had engaged in racial profiling. Which group did the officer in question target? Latinos, according to the LAPD. Patrick Smith, a white officer on the job for 15 years, pulled over a disproportionate amount of Latinos during traffic stops, the Los Angeles Times reported. He allegedly tried to conceal the fact that he’d so often targeted Hispanic drivers by misidentifying them as white on paperwork. Smith may be the first LAPD officer found guilty of racial profiling, but he’s unlikely the only one engaging in the practice. â€Å"A 2008 study of LAPD data by a Yale researcher found blacks and Latinos were subjected to stops, frisks, searches, and arrests at significantly higher rates than whites, regardless of whether they lived in high-crime neighborhoods,† the Times noted. Moreover, 250 allegations of racial profiling are made against officers annually. East Haven Police Under Fire News broke in January 2012 that federal investigators had charged police in East Haven, Conn., with obstruction of justice, excessive force, conspiracy and other crimes concerning their treatment of Latinos in the city. According to the New York Times, East Haven police officers, â€Å"stopped and detained people, particularly immigrants, without reason...sometimes slapping, hitting or kicking them when they were handcuffed, and once smashing a mans head into a wall.† They tried to cover up their behavior by targeting bystanders who witnessed and tried to document their illegal acts. They also allegedly tried to recover surveillance tapes from area businesses that captured their abuses on video.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Online Shopping Versus Traditional Brick-and-Mortar Shopping

Online Shopping Versus Traditional Brick-and-mortar Shopping Consumers are making purchases daily. There are a number of occasions and reasons prompting people to shop. Special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays all contribute to retail sales. Sustaining one’s daily life through purchase of food, clothing, personal hygiene products and cleaning products also contributes to the economy through commerce. How do most people like to shop? In recent years a new alternative to the traditional brick-and-mortar shopping, online shopping, has increased in popularity. â€Å"U.S. e-commerce sales grew from 72 billion U.S. dollars in 2002 to 228 billion U.S. dollars in 2010.† (â€Å"Online shopping,† n.d.,†¦show more content†¦This ensures a quick bargain without even having to get dressed to leave the house. People are able to shop for nearly anything while in their pajamas. Sometimes consumers just do not feel like going out and fighting the crowds to find the perfect birthday or wedding present. Blac k Friday is a prime example. Many people avoid all traditional brick-and-mortar shopping the day after Thanksgiving because of the overwhelming crowds and instead opt for Cyber Monday and enjoy shopping from the comfort of their own home, workplace, or mobile device. What if it is unrealistic to wait for a certain product? Even with expedited shipping, online shopping is not practical in certain situations. Even though all grocery shopping can be done online, what happens when a parent runs out of formula for their baby or need milk for their children’s cereal the next morning? Waiting anywhere from a day up to two weeks is not realistic. What happens when an outfit is bought online, and once it has been received the clothing it does not fit? Online shoppers must go through the return process and wait for the company to send out a new size or refund their money. In the traditional shopping setting, patrons are able to try on clothes and therefore eliminate having to exchan ge them because they do not fit. The possibility of receiving the wrong item altogether is much higher with online shopping than with traditionalShow MoreRelatedThe E Commerce Industry3776 Words   |  16 PagesIntroduction With a steady increase of time, effort, and money being poured into digital marketing over the past few years, one can only wonder what this means for the future of online exchange, or E-commerce. It is said that by 2016, the web will impact purchase decisions of sales totaling $2 trillion. 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As a member of the board of directors in early 2001, what challenges did the company face and what actions would you take? is a global leader in online-retail. The company was founded by Jeff Bezos in Seattle in 1995, during the period of tech boom era of the 1990’s. Since founding as an online bookseller, drastically grown to expand its product offerings, fulfillment, and customer service. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Gender Socialization by the Toy Industry Free Essays

The message of gender socialization being imposed upon young children subliminally becomes quite obvious when one observes the Wal-Mart toy department from an unbiased viewpoint. Normally when I venture into the toy department, which is almost always against my will, I’m on a swift mission. Find a toy to reward my 3 year old nephew with after a good week of daycare and get the heck out of there. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Socialization by the Toy Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, when you’re child free and walking the aisles, you become bombarded with gender driven propaganda. You enter an aisle that might as well say â€Å"For Boys Only† at the entrance. Taking a look around you see cars and trucks packaged in oversized, brightly or dark colored boxes splattered with images of little boys happily playing with the toy all over the box. You pass fire trucks, police cars, race tracks, cowboys, astronauts and construction toys, all clearly portraying them as â€Å"Boys Toys† so vividly all they’re missing is a button one can push that will shout â€Å"This is so not for girls! On a trip to the next aisle over you become overwhelmed by bright pink or pastel boxes, decorated with flower images or sparkly pictures of little girls playing with the toy. You pass Barbie with her plastic blonde hair and plastic blue eyes, next to her obviously less popular brunette friend, Teresa. Clearly this shows little girls what the â€Å"ideal gorgeous woman† should look like. Barbie shows a woman can conquer the world if she’s wearing the r ight outfit. She can be a CEO, flight attendant, lawyer, nurse, doctor, dancer, princess or astronaut and all she has to do is stand still, look pretty, have monstrously oversized breasts, and wear the right clothes. Who really wants their daughter to believe this is the ticket to success? You see the Easy Bake Oven with a big glossy picture of two young girls baking a small desert. You see tea sets and baby dolls and all you come to find is that girls are being subliminally trained they are to be subservient, attractive, domestic and beautiful. They should be demure, domestic, and trained to raise children. I left the toy section a little nauseous. As a child I was given Hot Wheels cars and Barbie’s. I had a black big wheel with flames on it and an Easy Bake Oven. I had an ant farm and a doll house next to each other in my childhood bedroom, and I think I turned out alright. It’s sad to see children’s genders being shoved down their throats by propaganda, especially now that we have male nurses and women in congress; however, pink is for girls and blue is for boys according to the advertising and toy industries, and I doubt that will ever change. How to cite Gender Socialization by the Toy Industry, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Work Design Pilot at CERA Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Work Design Pilot at CERA Analysis. Answer: Introduction The evolvement of employments in the past was not arranged. The practice was for the administrator or supervisor to allot workers to undertakings and to arbitrarily aggregate assignments into employments. For instance, similar to carpentry, press twisting, electrical work, the substance of every exchange developed through convention and by start. In any case, mental writing on representative inspiration contains claims that the design of work, its substance and structure, influence both efficiency and worker inspiration and confidence. There have thusly been many methodologies and hypotheses to the design of works (Parker, 2014). Great work is profitable work. Work design can streamline inspiration, work fulfilment, execution, and advancement, and at last, hierarchical profitability. For instance, work design that improves utilization of worker aptitudes either through expanding undertaking assortment or ability use can be an essential wellspring of efficiency. Additionally, incorporating inspiration with work can build up a submitted and invigorated workforce. The way work is designed can influence worker push, engagement, fulfilment and safe working. Today's working surroundings is progressively mind boggling, obliging associations to juggle amongst control and adaptability. Control is required for consistency and cost effectiveness, yet in the meantime, adaptability is required for inventiveness and development (Chang, Wang Huang, 2013). Trends That Are Changing Work and Workplace The universe of work is quickly expanding. As a touch of association, Human Resource Management (HRM) must be set up to supervise impacts of changing universe of work. For the HR individuals it induces understanding the results of globalization, work-compel organized qualities, changing authority necessities, corporate scaling down, diligent change works out, re-manufacturing, the unforeseen work drive, decentralized work districts and worker duty (J. Cole, Oliver Blaviesciunaite, 2014). Globalization and its suggestions Business today does not have national cut-off points it extends everywhere. The rising of multinational organizations puts new fundamentals on human resource supervisor. The HR office needs to guarantee that the most ideal blend of representatives like information, limits and social versatility is accessible to handle general assignments (Cummings Worley, 2014). Work-drive Diversity Arranged qualities are fundamentally associated with the affiliation's key heading. Where arranged qualities thrives, the potential points of interest from better inventiveness and essential administration and more noticeable headway can be accumulated to manufacture affiliation's power (Martn Alczar, Miguel Romero Fernndez Snchez Gardey, 2013). Changing aptitude necessities Selecting and making talented work is basic for any association stressed over forcefulness, productivity, quality and managing a various work compel sufficiently. Corporate scaling down At whatever indicates an affiliation attempts delayer, it is trying to make more important capability. The initiate of downsizing is to decrease the amount of labourers used by the affiliation. Nonstop change programs Constant change programs focus on the whole deal thriving of the affiliation. It is a technique whereby an affiliation focuses on quality and creates a better foundation than serve its customers. Some other trends that can have an impact are: Re-designing work forms for enhanced profitability Albeit persistent change activities are certain begins in a large portion of our associations, they regularly concentrate on progressing incremental change. Such activity is naturally engaging the consistent and lasting pursuit to improve things. Unforeseen workforce An especially significant part of the forefront workforce is the unexpected labourers. Startling specialists are individuals who are routinely contracted for shorter time periods. They perform specific errands that every now and again require one of kind occupation aptitudes and are used when an affiliation is experiencing basic deviations in its work process. Decentralized work locales Work districts are getting progressively decentralized. Telecommuting capacities that exist today have made it doable for the delegates to be discovered wherever on the globe. With this potential, the organizations no longer need to consider arranging as a business near its work compels (Pries, 2013). Worker association For present associations to be productive, there are different agent consideration thoughts that radiate an impression of being recognized. These are assignment, participative management, work bunches, target setting, delegate get ready and empowering of agents. Approaches to Job Design To help Rachel Amaro analyse the status of jobs and its design at present four approaches are there that are proposed by Kramer et al. (2014): The motivational job-design approach This is the only approach that considers the social aspect of the job. This is the only approach that considers the social aspect of the job. Rachel has to check if the jobs permit freedom, independence, or discretion in work scheduling, sequence, methods, systems, fine manage, or different choices. To check the work design it is important to check if the work events themselves furnish direct, clear expertise in regards to the effectiveness of job efficiency. It is imperative to know if the different people in the group furnish understanding about the effectiveness of job performance. Rachel has to check if the job furnish for optimistic social interaction (corresponding to teamwork or co-worker assistance). To understand the job designs in practice, Rachel must check if the job responsibilities, specifications, and targets clear and exact or not. To understand the work design it is important to know if the job has a type of duties, tasks, and movements. Rachel must check if the job requires completion of an entire and identifiable piece of labour or not. In addition, it has to be checked if it gives the incumbent a chance to do a complete piece of work from starting to finish. She needs to check if the job requires an excessive stage of abilities, potential, and competencies. To understand the aspect of ability, she must look if the job requires a kind of forms of advantage, skills, and potential. To understand the tasks significance it is important to first understand if the job is huge and foremost when compared with different jobs within the organization. For growth, it is important to know if the job permits opportunities for learning and development in competence and talent. To look for chances of promotion provided to employees first it is important to know if there are possibilities for development to larger-degree jobs. Rachel has to check if the job provide for emotions of achievement and assignment accomplishment. She needs to check that the job perm it participation in work-associated determination making or not. As communication is an important aspect of organizational structure, Rachel must see if the job furnishes entry to critical communiqu channels and knowledge flows. Rachel needs to evaluate if the pay for the job is enough when put next with the job specifications and pay for identical jobs. Recognition is important, so she must check if the job provides acknowledgment and cognizance from others. As job security is an important aspect for employees, Rachel needs to see if the incumbents on this job have a high measure of job protection or not (Kramer et al., 2014). The mechanistic job-design approach Rachel has to see if the job is extremely specialized in terms of purpose and/or pastime. The instruments, methods, substances, and many others similar aspects used on this job extremely specialized in phrases of cause has to be productive and innovative at the same time. All the tasks have to be simple and basic for better comprehension. Rachel has to keep in check if the job requires the incumbent to do only one undertaking at a time or not require to do multiple movements at one time or in much short succession. It must be noticed if the job require moderately little ability and training time. It must be checked if the job requires performing the same endeavour or movements repeatedly. Spare time between events on this job is important. Rachel has to check if the various routine of this job automatic or assisted through automation (Kramer et al., 2014). The biological job-design approach The requirement of muscular strength has to be calculated. The requirements of the job regarding lifting weights must be measured. The requirements of the job regarding muscular endurance must be measured. It is important to check if the seating preparations on the job are sufficient or not. It is important to check if the workplace enable for all dimension differences between men and women in phrases of clearance, attain, eye top, legroom and so on. The requirements of the job regarding wrist movements and position must be measured. The office must be free from immoderate noise. The climate at the office must be comfortable in terms of temperature and humidity, and must be free of immoderate dust and fumes. Enough time for work breaks are the given the needs of the job. The requirement of shift work or excessive extra time has to be kept in check (Kramer et al., 2014). The perceptual / motor job-design approach The lights within the office ought to be enough and free from glare. The shows, gauges, meters, and computerized apparatus used on this job must be effortless and easy to use. The programs within the computerized apparatus for this job must be effortless and easy to use. The opposite apparatus (all forms) used on this job must be effortless and easy to use. The easiness of the broadcast materials used on this job is important. The workplace layout must be given consideration so that the employee can see and hear well amply to perform the job. The amount of awareness wanted to participate in this job needs to be calculated. The amount of expertise that the employee need to output on this job, in phrases of each action and conversation is an important aspect to be kept in mind. The quantity of information that ought to be processed, in terms of considering and drawback fixing has to be checked. The amount of expertise that must be remembered on this job has to be kept in checked. The s train level on this occupation is to be kept in mind. It is to be checked if the odds of monotony on this career justly minor (Kramer et al., 2014). Right Approach to Job Design Work design takes after business examination i.e. it is the going with venture after occupation examination. It goes for laying out and managing assignments, duties and commitments into a solitary unit of work for the accomplishment of specific targets. It is like way takes after the procedures and affiliations that are vital for the accomplishment of a specific occupation. In less troublesome terms, it infers the what, how much, what number of and the request of the attempts for an occupation/s (Britt et al., 2016). Work design fuses joining work commitments or content and certain capacities that are required to play out the same. It plots the occupation commitments plainly additionally help in pulling in the correct contender to the correct business. Energize it also makes the occupation look intriguing and particular (Alter, 2013). There are distinctive steps required in occupation design that take after an honest to goodness progression, those that were indicated before on. The progression is according to the accompanying: The endeavours that are required to be done and the errands that are a part of the occupation have to be checked. The way the endeavours are performed The whole part of the errands that are required to be done The course of action of playing out these assignments Each one of these request are away to confer upon a sensible importance of a specific occupation and thusly make it less unsafe for the one playing out the same. A particularly portrayed work stimulates assumption achievement among the agents and a sentiment high self-respect. The whole method of occupation design is wanted to address diverse issues inside the progressive setup, those that identify with ones depiction of an employment and the related associations. More especially the going with zones is balanced by: Checking the work over-burden Checking upon the work under load Ensuring assignments are not tedious in nature Ensuring that workers wear not stay confined Defining working hours plainly Defining the work forms plainly The previously mentioned are variables that if not dealt with come about into building worry inside the representatives. Benefits of Job Design for CERA The subsequent are the paybacks of a good job design: Worker Input: A staggering occupation design connects with an exceptional business criticism. Operators have the other alternative to complexity attempts as showed by their own specific and social needs, affinities and conditions in the workplace. Worker Training: Training is a basic piece of occupation design. Instead of the prudence of "allow them to sit unbothered work design lays due supplement on arranging individuals so that are especially aware of what their occupation requests and how it is to be finished. Work/Rest Schedules: Job design offers amazing work and rest organize by obviously portraying the measure of hours an individual needs to spend in his/her business. Similitude: A remarkable business designs thinks about adjustments for physically requesting jobs by minimizing the vitality spent doing the occupation and by modifying the work necessities for the same. Work design is a tireless and oftentimes impelling technique that is away to help operators bring off similitude with the overhauls in the workplace. A complete objective is lessening disappointment, upgrading inspiration and worker engagement at the workplace (Oldham and Fried, 2016). Innovative Performance of Organisations Practices that are associated with the innovative performance of organisations are: Superior work frameworks Monetary development, or all the more particularly, accomplishing an arrival on ventures, requires a coordinating workforce-improvement and workplace-advancement system. Names used to portray look into on this connection incorporate elite work frameworks, high-responsibility work frameworks, high-contribution work frameworks and superior human resource management. Utilization of IT IT speculations and IT applications are critical drivers of hierarchical advancement, contrasted with RD ventures, focusing on that IT is important for the development procedure of firms and the complementarity of IT-empowered non-specialized development to mechanical development alone. Nature of work Workplace advancement is advantageous to the nature of work of representatives. Higher profitability runs as an inseparable unit with better correspondence and higher employability, coming about because of both abatement in non-attendance and an expansion in social and professional capabilities. Execution Hierarchical execution, measured as a mix of an expansion in turnover, benefit and work profitability is fundamentally better in associations with more exercises in workplace development (Ceylan, 2013). A Survey of HR Professionals The remnants of British provincial lead still stay in India and the advancement of the Indian HRM work has reflected that of Britain, moving from an accentuation on staff towards a more vital HR part however with a more prominent accentuation on human resource improvement. Indian administrators reflect their Western partners in their choice of HRM practices that advance advancement in associations, with works on including preparing and improvement, execution evaluations, staff proposal plans. In any case, HRM rehearses stay less formal and less organized than those of Britain. Indian firms have a tendency to have high turnover rates and the request of high gifted work surpasses supply, expanding maintenance costs and making a more noteworthy concentrate on the advancement of ability management programs. At present, there is a more noteworthy accentuation on parent auxiliary arrangements in outside MNCs, something that Indian MNCs are less worried with. For the present, the Indian MNC s are plainly centredon overseeing execution from inside, and have set up inventive culture-building hones. Interestingly, remote MNCs are centredon keeping the harmony amongst parent and auxiliary and institutionalizing the HRM hones in different worldwide ranges. Remote MNCs likewise have a tendency to be aware of the cost and execution perspectives more than Indian MNCs (Jain, Mathew Bedi, 2012). CERA can take a leaf out of these practices and enhance innovativeness in their job design. References Alter, S. (2013). 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